Monday 6 March 2017

Radio Trailers- Research

Radio Trailers- Research

The meaning of a radio trailer
Radio ads are an effective, low-cost medium through which a business can reach a target consumer. Radio creates emotional reactions in listeners and, in turn, consumers perceive your advert as being more relevant to them personally.

What could a radio trailer consist of?
  • A radio trailer need to contain facts and statistics to make it informative and provide the audience with knowledge 
  • The facts should aim to convince the audience to want to watch the film
  • The trailer should last around 30-40 seconds to give the audience all the necessary information but not too much to make them not have to watch the film 
  • Sound effects can be used to keep the audience engaged and give them a sense of the mood/atmosphere of the film 
  • A voiceover should be used with hints of sounds/speech from the film
  • Information of the certificate of the film and when it is released
Why use radio trailers?
Firstly, a radio trailer is a good way of advertising your film because your market listens to the radio. Radio is a platform which everyone listens to and this would give your film more recognition. Radio is targeted and each radio station is operated with specific market segments in mind, so despite there being many radio stations nationwide there are particular stations that target your specific market. Sound is stored in the memory more effectively than the written word. Sound, the spoken word offers emotion and encourages the listeners imagination to produce their own desirable image of a product. Radio is the theatre of the mind. Because advertising on local radio broadcasts is not very expensive, it is more cost-effective than television commercials, print advertising and direct mail.

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