Tuesday 7 March 2017

Developments of our Film

Developments of our Film

Ouija board scene

From gathering general feedback from our subject teacher he suggested that we shorten the Ouija board scene down by withdrawing some of the words spelled out because it was too long. This suits the nature of the Ouija board as the 'spirit' isn't suppose to give everything away to its audience. By leaving all the letters on, the viewer may find the scene boring and not suspenseful because all the letters are clearly shown. Taking away some of the letters makes the audience think more and keep them on the edge of their seats.


Foreboding eerie music has been added to play throughout the entire film to emphasize the horror genre and to continue creating tension and atmosphere for the viewers to feel engaged.

Extra scenes

From our audience questionnaire for our rough cut, we found out that the audience wanted another scene in which we developed the character of Jake. Taking this feedback on board, we will film a scene which will take place after Melissa, Olivia and ruby have laid the flowers. The scene will consist of a mid shot showing Jake dead on the floor in the  rain with a phone in his hand on the missed call list where Olivia is seen to have rang him numerous times conveying that Jake has been deceased for a while.

We also decided to add a scene in at the beginning of the film where Melissa explains to Jake how she bought a suitcase from a car-boot sale. They then both look in the suitcase and finds lots of strange things. When they get to the bottom of the suitcase, Melissa finds a Ouija board and suggest to Jake that they do it for fun with their friends. Jake thinks that it is a bad idea but they go along with it anyway. The film then moves into the Olivia & Ruby walking to meet Melissa.

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