Sunday 5 March 2017

Research into Radio Trailers

Research into Radio Trailers

What is a Radio Advert?

A radio advertisement is a type of commercial created for the radio broadcasting medium. Typically 30-60 seconds long, radio advertisements often rely on memorable audio cues, such as jingles or catch phrases, to grab audience attention. With a low production cost and the ability to target specific demographics through station selection, a radio advertisement can be an excellent way to get the word out about a product or company.

What does it need to include?

A radio advertisement needs to be able to grab people's attention away from other pursuits. Since people tend to listen to the radio while they are driving, in line, or in a waiting room, radio advertisements need to be catchy enough to draw attention away from the listener's main activity. A memorable jingle, or short song, may be used in a radio advertisement for this purpose. Jingles are typically very easy to remember and contain references to the product or company involved in the advertisement.

A radio advertisement must use wit, memorable lines, or catchphrases to draw the interest of a listener. Radio scripts often take the form of conversations between two people that reference the product or company being advertised. Slogans are often worked into the dialogue, so the listener draws a subconscious connection between the slogan and the product.

Why a Radio Advert?

Radio advertisement must use wit, memorable lines, or catchphrases to draw the interest of a listener. Radio scripts often take the form of conversations between two people that reference the product or company being advertised. Slogans are often worked into the dialogue, so the listener draws a subconscious connection between the slogan and the product.

1970's and 1980's examples

2013 examples

This shows a clear difference between radio adverts back then and radio adverts in the modern day such as improved sound effects and audio feedback.

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