Technical Conventions:
- Canted Angles are used to show confusion and disorientation
- Long tracking shots to create tension
- Point Of View shots to show what the protagonist or antagonist sees
- Depth of field used to show focus on the protagonist
- Extreme close ups of the protagonists face to convey fear
- Quiet scenes with sudden sounds to create tension
- Slow editing to create suspense and an unsettling feeling.
- Hand held shots to make the audience wonder what's going on
- Fast paced editing to create tension
- Slow paced editing to create suspense and suggest something is going to happen
- Colour such as black and red to connote death, evil, danger & blood
- Props such as weapons, masks, Icon of the Supernatural used to portray a sense of violence, danger and the characters need to fight off the evil
- Props such as the bible implying the theme of religion
- Good VS Evil
- Revenge
- Supernatural
- Religion
- Living/Dead- vampires & zombies
- Scientific Experiments
- Insanity
- Nightmares
- Isolated places
- Urban environments
- Dark streets
- Narrow Alleyways
- Abandoned Houses
- Insane Asylums
- Low key lighting allows dark shadows to form as a dark contrast is created between the light and dark areas. This tends to strengthen the sense of alienation felt by the audience
- Back lighting to create a silhouette of a person or an object to make them appear dark and mysterious. It keeps the characters identity hidden
- Under lighting is when light comes from below the character which creates a distorted effect, making the audience think something is going to jump out from the area of no light
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