Monday 26 September 2016

Short film ideas

Short film ideas
The New Her
·         A new girl called Sasha starts at college and is introduced to a girl called Becky and a group of her friends. Sasha takes a liking to Becky and becomes obsessed with her. Sasha invites Becky to help her with their homework project but she has other plans in mind. And so Becky declines the offer because she is already working with someone else. Sasha gets jealous and she starts to stalk Becky. Overtime Sasha starts to almost become Becky in the way she dresses and acts. Sasha ends up killing Becky and becomes the new version of Becky. Sasha (new Becky) is walking and someone says “Where’s Sasha” and Sasha (new Becky) says “She decided to move college.”
An Answer Back
·         A group of friends try to communicate with the dead through a makeshift Ouija board, thinking nothing is going to happen. Little did they no they get an answer from a long lost relative.

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