Thursday 22 September 2016

Thriller genre research

Thriller conventions

  • Isolated setting which therefore makes characters more vulnerable as there is no one around to help them

  • Dark colours and low-key lighting which adds more mystery and suspense as you cant see anything in the background so you are unsure if anything is there

  • Props like guns and knifes make the storyline more dangerous and provoke fear in the audience as you know death is more likely to occur. 

  • Everyday settings like houses/college/school which makes it more relatable for the audience and means the action is unpredicted

  • Plot twists like when a character dies but you don't realise until the end of the film

  • Close-ups and extreme close-ups to show emotions. They also leave mystery as you cannot see what is around the character

  • Usually have the narrative from the protagonists point of view, this helps sympathise with them and helps the audience feel their emotions

  • Confined/Claustrophobic places provokes the audience to feel trapped along with the character due to the very close ups shots reflecting the small amount of space.

  • Shadows in a dark setting make you think there is someone following you

  • Montage of shots

  • Flashbacks

  • Diegetic breathing

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