Wednesday 28 September 2016

Final film idea

A group of friends meet up for the night and decide to playfully communicate with the dead and unbeknown to them it could be more dangerous than initially thought. One of their friends doesn't turn up and everyone wonders why yet they still continue with their fun night. They set the Ouija board up in the centre of the room and everyone sits around it. Melissa asks Olivia to put her hands on the planchette and ask the first question. In the meantime Ruby panics over Jake not turning up and shouts at the others to stop messing about with the Ouija board. Olivia communicates with the spirit when she asks "when did you die?" and receives the answer "ten minutes ago". She then becomes cautious whereas Melissa is curious and wants more answers.

She takes over putting her hands on the planchette and asks "How did you die?", the spirit answers saying it was a car crash, Melissa starts to hear noises inside her head, she puts her hands to her head, no one else can hear the noises but her. She hears the sound of a car crash and screams, everyone asks her whats wrong and she sits there in silence unable to move or speak. Ruby says "I told you this was a bad idea" and Olivia replies with "We didnt know, we just wanted some fun". They wonder whats wrong with Melissa as she sits there in shock, Olivia puts her hands on the Planchette and says "we need to sort this out". She then asks the spirit "What's your name?" and it replies with 'Jake'. Ruby's face becomes instantly shocked as she says 'Jake? not our friend Jake." She grabs the planchette and asks the spirit "You're not our firend Jake are you?" and it replies with 'Yes I am'.

They go to visit the site of the crash and put flowers on the lampost in rememberence, as they are walking away you see Jake in the distance watching them.

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