Wednesday 21 September 2016

Short film analysis- Alone

Analysis of Alone 
  • Cinematography
  • Mise-on-scene 
  •  Editing 
  •  Sound
  • Narrative/story
  • Characters
  • Title/credit sequence

This short film describes how Nina is caught between two realities, one defined by the oppressive care of her partner, the other, a way out offered by a mysterious young woman. A haunting story of one woman’s attempt to gain freedom and live as her true self no matter what the cost.

During this shot the ‘mysterious young woman’ can be seen running through a forest setting. The hand held tracking shot is used to show the characters movement. The use of a hand held shot portrays a sense of disorientation possibly making the audience feeling uncomfortable. The use of low key lighting conveys the idea that the film is based on a mysterious and strange theme. The use of non-diegetic sound throughout this scene continues to portray the shadowy theme. This scene also makes use of jump cuts to show the audience how the character is moving through the forest and time is passing. 

Furthermore, another character called Nina is introduced and can be seen laying on the grass depicting a sense of been relaxed. She can be seen to be in a sort of daze implying she is elsewhere in her mind. The incidental diegetic sound of the birds help set the scene and show the relaxing atmosphere Nina thinks she’s in. the music then begins to grow faster and louder creating suspense to show something is going to happen. The scene then moves back to the ‘young mysterious woman’ running with the music gradually getting louder suggesting she is possibly running away from someone or running towards Nina to help her. 

Nina’s body language then becomes quite contained and implies she is hiding from something. Her position on screen shows she is central to the storyline and how her body language is important to the next scene. This scene also implies that Nina is a character who tends to feel alone and keeps herself
to herself. 

The short film then moves to a different location of a run-down house. The setting shows it’s near a forest and the run down feeling suggests it’s a place of misery and mystery. By this point the fast paced diegetic sound has stopped and the audience can just hear the diegetic sound of the birds. 

Nina continues to walk round the front of the house when her ‘oppressive partner’ is introduced. From his body language this character appears to be quite controlling and likes to know where Nina is at all times. The interrogative “Where you been?” continues to show he always wants to be monitoring Nina’s movement and have control over what she is doing. 

Nina then moves to her room where she seems to spend her time painting. The use of the paint pots imply that this is a way in which Nina forgets about everything she’s faced with and escape from the real world.  A non-diegetic sound of a piano starts which suggests a confused manner and her body language shows she’s once again shutting herself out. The piano music is quite slow continuing the genre of a mysterious film.

A mid shot is used to re-introduce the ‘young mysterious woman’ showing she’s always in the presence of Nina. Nina says “you shouldn’t be here inferring that she knows that the ‘mysterious woman’ is in the room with her. This could suggest that Nina sees this ‘mysterious woman’ in her mind and could possibly be imaginary. It could also show that the man is keeping her away from interacting with other people apart from him. 

This close up shot is used to portray Nina accepts the ‘mysterious woman’ comment “you shouldn’t be here”. Nina turns to look out of the window where the man is, suggesting he is the one keeping her there. Nina asks “are you gonna stay?” implying she doesn’t want to be left alone and would feel more comfortable with her present. 

Nina then hears the man coming up the stairs and the ‘mysterious women’ goes to look the door. The no diegetic music of a piano keeps the scene calm and shows how the ‘mysterious woman’ is bringing peace and comfort to Nina. The ‘mysterious woman’ is always shot with brightness suggesting she is a positive impacting character. Whereas Nina is wearing dark clothes and the low key lighting used in her close ups shows her fear of something.

This close up conveys the sense of shock on Nina’s face when she realises the man is at the door and the ‘mysterious woman’ is inside with her. This suggests that the man is controlling Nina and only the things he says goes. Nina confirms “I’m painting” to try and make the man go away as this is the only thing he allows her to do. The man refuses to move until he’s seen Nina and so she has to open the door and at this point the ‘mysterious woman’ is nowhere to be seen.

This over the shoulder shot is used to show the frustration on the man’s face. The man then enters the room to check on the painting Nina is supposedly doing. The non-diegetic music has got faster and louder showing how the tension is increasing. 

The scene then changes the setting to the bathroom. A long shot is used to establish the scene, where Nina can be seen watching the 'mysterious woman' bath. The candles create a sense of relaxation and also friendship. This scene shows that the 2 women trust each other.

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