Wednesday 9 November 2016

Location Photos and explanations

Location Photos and explanations

This is the scene where Olivia and Ruby are walking up to meet Melissa at an abandoned building. We chose this location because of it's grey desaturated colours which creates a gritty and ill-feeling atmosphere. Green moss is seen embedded against the brick walls and floors signifying that the location is damp and old.

This is the scene where Melissa, Ruby and Olivia pay their respects to Jake by knotting a bunch of purple flowers against a pole with a message at a park. We chose this location because of the leafless trees which alludes to death and decay linking to the loss of Jake. Deep space is used in conjunction with a long shot to create a sense of emptiness and sadness because of Jake's death.

This is the scene where Melissa, Ruby and Olivia are sat down around a circular table playing with the Ouija board. we chose this location because of it's shallow space creating a claustrophobic atmosphere. The location was very ill-lit which allowed us to use a lamp to manipulate light and shadow (Chiaroscuro) to create an unnerving and foreboding sense.

This is the scene where Ruby is in a classroom working on the computer when Melissa suddenly decides s to ring her about finding a Ouija board. We chose this location because it establishes Ruby's occupation as a working student. You can see that the room is very modern with computers, a smart board and ergonomic chairs. The colour purple on the walls has negative connotations of death and mourning which is also used for the colour of the flowers.

This is the scene where Melissa is sat down revising and then suddenly decides to call Ruby about finding an Ouija board at a car boot sale and insists on trying it out. We chose this location because it also establishes Melissa's occupation as a student and in the background you can see the leafless trees again which signifies death and a road to foreshadow Jake's death.

This is the scene where Melissa is waiting to meet Jake at the car park with the suitcase she got from the car boot sale. Jake walks to meet her and the start looking through it with things such as old clothes and the main prop which is the Ouija board. We chose this location because it had desaturated colours and foreshadows Jake's death with the cars present in the setting.

This is the scene where Melissa is walking through the corridor whilst Jake is walking downstairs. Parallel editing was used to show the two journeys taking place at the same time. This is where they have a conversation about where to meet after college, to look through the suitcase which Melissa found at a car boot sale. We chose this location because it lacks colour since there is only black and white to convey a detached feel.

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