Monday 28 November 2016

Title Sequence Analysis

Title Sequence Analysis

I chose this short film as it seems like a thriller/horror so fits in with our film and will help me to notice stereotypical elements included in this genre’s title sequences. It first starts off with an establishing shot, we see its an empty field covered in snow, this creates a sense of isolation and makes the viewer feel alone. The font included is simple, and red which usually connotes death and blood, it contrasts against the snowy white background as white and red are opposites. Non-diegetic eerie music kicks in creating suspense and you can hear the diegetic sound of drizzling rain which adds mystery to what the film could be about.
You can then see that the noise in the previous shot is from it snowing, as this next shot starts, you can hear the diegetic sound of the stream flowing, this also adds to the theme of isolation as you can tell the film will be set in a rural  and unpopulated area.

There is a sound bridge as the stream running continues into this shot, we see red running in the water which looks like it could be blood,  this also ties in with the titles being red. It also connotes that there will probable be a death in the film giving away a small part of the plot and keeping the audience intrigued. There is then a quick jump cut to closer into the river focusing on the blood running through, it leads you to believe this blood is a key theme throughout the film.
It then cuts back to the extreme long shot of the stream and the title is then shown in the same font as previous shots, and we find out the film is called ‘Blood Drive’ which hugely links into the blood running through the stream. The non-diegetic music playing gets louder as the title sequence is ending and then it fades to white

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