Friday 11 November 2016


Our films storyline included the use of quite a few major props including a Ouija Board and Planchette as these were the basis of our plot. We had to ensure we gathered sufficient props that looked good and were well suited to our film. Some we made ourselves and others we bought from shops.

Oujia Board -
For the Ouija Board we made this as it was the easiest and cheapest option for our film as we don't have a big budget. We found a picture from the internet of a Ouija Board that looked old and used and had a worn effect as it fits in with our storyline of Melissa finding it at a car boot sale, also this makes it look more authentic and scary. We then printed this out and stuck in onto card then made a fold in the middle so it looked like a real board.  

Planchette -
We also made the planchette to go with the Ouija Board as this was also the cheapest option. We used a thick cardboard and researched into the typical shapes of them. We then drew the shape of a stereotypical planchette onto the cardboard and used a craft knife to cut it out. This was very easy to do. To make it look more authentic we painted it so it had a wooden and worn effect so that it matched with the Ouija board.

Magnets -
We went to a shop and bought some pretty cheap magnets due to the difficulty of using a Ouija Board and the dangers with it. Our idea was that we were going to attach something metal to the planchette and use a table for the séance, then we could use the magnet to guide the planchette and make it look like a spirit was actually responding. This is to avoid the dangers of actually doing it properly and making sure nothing bad happens whilst filming.

Note -

We obviously hand wrote the note as it was a personal one to be left in tribute to Jake in the film, this way it came across in a more realistic and sad way. We went with a simple message so it wasn't too long for the audience to read yet it was effective, also as the last scene was quite open ended, the audience may have not realised that Jake had really died so this note confirms it.

Flowers -

We also bought the flowers, but got fake ones as real ones wouldn't have been suitable for filming purposes as we did it over different days so they would have died. Even though they are fake we chose some that looked as real as possible so it didn't look tacky and unrealistic in our film. The flowers are very meaningful and important as they are left there with the note in remembrance of Jake.


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