Tuesday 14 February 2017

Ideas for viral ad

Since our film is aimed at a target audience of both males and females aged 16 - 25 I believe that our viral advertisement should include a hashtag for the audience to use on social media which will create word of mouth about the film. This will also reach a larger potential target audience and this element also attracts the target audience to the film because it involves interacting on social media which is now a big part in the lives of young people.

Along with the hashtag there should definitely be some footage from the film to inform the audience what the film is actually about, it should end on a cliffhanger to keep the audience intrigued about this film to make them watch the full film when it's released. I believe that more time should be invested in advertising on social media because it is cost effective and is where the majority of the target audience will find out about and talk about the film.

Along with a video trailer on social media including a hashtag, to reach a further target audience there should be a radio trailer. A large percentage of the target audience will most likely drive with the radio on. The radio trailer should inform the listener of the hashtag along with snippets of the dialogue from the film, for this trailer the dialogue should be exaggerated and consist of suspenseful audio.

The advertising hashtag for our film should be simple and rememberable so I believe it should be '#Presence'.

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