Friday 17 February 2017

Film poster research

Film Posters

A film poster is one of the main ways of advertising a movie and it's release date. It can be displayed inside or outside of a cinema in order to advertise the film and entice the viewers. Film posters can also be displayed on billboards and on public transport so that it can reach more viewers. It should include a masthead of the film title, image(s) of the main character(s), director, producer, production company, tagline and the viewer should be able to tell the genre and style of the film from looking.

Things film posters should include

Titles- The main headline may be the strongest element of the poster or it may be secondary to a strong visual. Some posters may have subheads and other title elements as well.

Tagline-  It’s a phrase identified with the film. A motto used in selling a movie. The goal of a poster essentially is to “sell” the movie—to make you want to see it.

Logotype- It’s a graphic representation or symbol of a movie, Studio name, trademark, abbreviation, etc., often uniquely designed for ready recognition.

Director- Name of the director(s) who directed the film.

Starring- Name of the main actors and actresses.

Date release- Date of the public exhibition of the film. It may be in theaters or for home viewing, and it may be a wide or limited release.

Certification- Film classification with regard to suitability for audiences in terms of issues such as sex, violence, substance abuse, profanity, impudence or other types of mature content.

Focal point and reading direction- The designer places objects or creates patterns so that the eye follows a path. The path the eye follows in advertising is very important, because you want the reader to end up at your call for action.

Types of posters:

Teaser poster- A teaser poster is an early promotional film poster, containing a basic image or design without revealing too much information such as the plot, theme, and characters.

Character poster- For a film with an ensemble cast there may be a set of character posters, each featuring an individual character from the film. Usually it contains the name of the actor or the name of the character played. It may also include a tagline that reflects the quality of the character.

Main Poster- Reveals more about the plot of the film, images such as characters, shows the credits which include actors names producers and directors who have worked on the film. The release date is also shown to establish when the film will come out for the viewers to watch.

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