Thursday 13 October 2016

Research into Potential Audience

Since many potential audiences are now on social media I decided to ask some questions on Twitter where people click on their answer anonymously. The poll shows me how many people have voted and the percentage of the answers.

The questions I asked were:

1. How old are you? - 12to14 - 15to17 - 18+
2. What's your occupation? - Unemployed - Employed - Student -
3. What is your favourite Horror film sub-genre? - Thriller - Slasher - Psychological - Science fiction
4. What's your gender? - Male - Female - prefer not to say
5. Why do you watch films? - Storyline - Escapism - Inspiration - Socialise

Here are the results:

From these results it is obvious that the majority of our target audience are students who are young adults, which was our main target audience we had in mind, and a majority of these students are female. The most popular horror sub-genre was psychological with thriller being a close second. Also, the most popular reason as to why our target audience watched films is for the storyline and less than half of the voters is for escapism.

Our film has mainly female characters who are close friends which will appeal to the female audience as many young females, such as our target audience, can relate to these characters as they are also young and are students. The female audience will also relate to the relationship between characters as generally females tend to socialise in small groups and form a strong bond, just like the characters in our film.

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