Sunday 16 October 2016



Title of our film: Presence

Duration: 5 minutes

Audience: The audience of our film will be mostly females, this is because there are more female characters in our film which will make it more popular with that gender as they can relate  and identify with the characters more. I think it will be aimed mostly at people in the age group 17-25 as our film is a horror/thriller and this genre is popular with young adults of that age. Our film is more likely to have an effect on this audience too as they are younger and more naïve so will believe in the paranormal events that take place in the film therefore making them more scared. I also think the main audience will be students, they have a lot of spare time, money from parents/part-time job so could pay to see our film, also they tend to know more about the internet and social media so would be more likely to watch our film if it was distributed online. The audience will be mainly from the UK as they can identify with the characters and the setting and our film will only be distributed on a small national scale.

Age rating: We decided to give our film a 12A rating as it doesn't contain any really scary or gory scenes, just has contact with the dead through the use of a Ouija board. Our film will be distributed online so will have an older audience anyway but parents should be present if a child under 12 is watching it as it does have a mild horror/thriller theme.

Potential distributor: Short Film Central as it caters to a wide variety of genres including horror and thriller and is a really good website that helps independent filmmakers distribute their films online which reaches a wide demographic.

Synopsis of our story: A group of friends meet up for the night and decide to playfully communicate with the dead and unbeknown to them it could be more dangerous than initially thought. One of their friends doesn't turn up and everyone wonders why yet they still continue with their fun night. They set the Ouija board up in the centre of the room and everyone sits around it. Melissa asks Olivia to put her hands on the planchette and ask the first question. In the meantime Ruby panics over Jake not turning up and shouts at the others to stop messing about with the Ouija board. Olivia communicates with the spirit when she asks "when did you die?" and receives the answer "ten minutes ago". She then becomes cautious whereas Melissa is curious and wants more answers.

She takes over putting her hands on the planchette and asks "How did you die?", the spirit answers saying it was a car crash, Melissa starts to hear noises inside her head, she puts her hands to her head, no one else can hear the noises but her. She hears the sound of a car crash and screams, everyone asks her what's wrong and she sits there in silence unable to move or speak. Ruby says "I told you this was a bad idea" and Olivia replies with "We didn't know, we just wanted some fun". They wonder what's wrong with Melissa as she sits there in shock, Olivia puts her hands on the Planchette and says "we need to sort this out". She then asks the spirit "What's your name?" and it replies with 'Jake'. Ruby's face becomes instantly shocked as she says 'Jake? not our friend Jake." She grabs the planchette and asks the spirit "You're not our friend Jake are you?" and it replies with 'Yes I am'.

They go to visit the site of the crash and put flowers on the lamppost in remembrance, as they are walking away you see Jake in the distance watching them.

Suggested elements: Parallel editing between the characters who are at the house with the Ouija board and the character Jake who is going to die which builds up suspense as you know the two things are happening at once. Lots of fast paced shots when they are using the Ouija board to make our film effective and to make the audience jump. Low key lighting in the room where they are contacting the dead as this is a typical horror/thriller genre connotation and makes it more mysterious and shadowy. 

Overall Moodboard:  

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