Friday 14 October 2016

Video Questionnaire


We conducted a questionnaire to gather results about our film and ways in which we could improve the film in order to make appealing and intriguing to the target audience. The questionnaire gave us the opportunity to engage with our potential audience and understand the elements they wanted to see, the typical films they usually watch and the genre category they would place our film in.

From our results it can be inferred that the majority of the candidates who completed our questionnaire were female aged between 17-20. This suggests to us that our target audience will be teenagers and specifically females. We think this is a suited target audience as the main characters in 'Presence' are females and the audience will find it easier to connect and understand how the characters are feeling.

When the people were asked 'what genre do you think our film is and why?' 80% of them responded Horror with the other 20% suggested it suited the Drama/Mystery category. This result surprised us as we didn't believe the film had enough scary elements to be classed as a horror and therefore decided to class it as a Thriller.  

The next question asks them 'what music do you expect to here'. We had a range of responses from instrumental music to sinister sounds. Taking all of the responses into consideration we will use a range of the choices in order to create tension and make the audience wonder what is about to occur. We will use incidental music to ensure the sound is suitable to what is happening in the scene. The editing will also effect the music we use, for example fast paced editing will be supported by fast paced music.

Furthermore, we asked our audience 'could there be any improvements for the storyline?' One person responded we should have a bigger twist towards the end. To act on this feedback and make the film better we decided to end the film with a close up shot of Jake, the character who dies in the car crash to reveal that the girls were actually contacted their friend and not just anyone.

A final, important question we had to gain feedback for was 'what kind of setting would you like to see in our film?' The majority of people we asked described how they expect to see dark settings, using low key lighting. We will use low key lighting in order to portray suspense and tension to the audience. The film will be set during the evening to also further reflect the sense of fear.

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