Thursday 26 January 2017

Production Logo

Here is our finished production logo. We used the internet to research current film production logos for inspiration and we all liked the Dreamworks logo. This gave us the idea of our production company being called 'Moonlight Pictures'. We then use google to find a suitable image of the moon which we manipulated to create our own. We used Da Font to find a suitable style to add text to the logo. Below is a step by step guide into how we made our production logo. 

1) We used Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 to create our production logo. First we created a background layer to act as a canvas for our logo

2) We used google to find a image of the moon that we believed was suitable for the main body of the production logo. We copied and pasted the image into Photoshop as a new layer.

3) We then used the 'filter gallery' feature within Photoshop to change the appearance of the image and make it our own. We chose the 'cutout' effect within the feature and changed the simplicity and fidelity of the effect. 

4) We used Da Font to search for a style that we thought suited our production company and was relevant to our film. 


5) We then added the text on another layer, to the image and placed it within the moon.

6) We then duplicated the text layer and inverted the text so that it became a mirror image. We placed the text in the rippling water to act as a reflection.

7) Finally we used the 'filter' feature on the text to distort the text. We used the 'ripple' effect to make the text blend in with the water.

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