Thursday 26 January 2017

Production Logo

Here is our finished production logo. We used the internet to research current film production logos for inspiration and we all liked the Dreamworks logo. This gave us the idea of our production company being called 'Moonlight Pictures'. We then use google to find a suitable image of the moon which we manipulated to create our own. We used Da Font to find a suitable style to add text to the logo. Below is a step by step guide into how we made our production logo. 

1) We used Adobe Photoshop CC 2015 to create our production logo. First we created a background layer to act as a canvas for our logo

2) We used google to find a image of the moon that we believed was suitable for the main body of the production logo. We copied and pasted the image into Photoshop as a new layer.

3) We then used the 'filter gallery' feature within Photoshop to change the appearance of the image and make it our own. We chose the 'cutout' effect within the feature and changed the simplicity and fidelity of the effect. 

4) We used Da Font to search for a style that we thought suited our production company and was relevant to our film. 


5) We then added the text on another layer, to the image and placed it within the moon.

6) We then duplicated the text layer and inverted the text so that it became a mirror image. We placed the text in the rippling water to act as a reflection.

7) Finally we used the 'filter' feature on the text to distort the text. We used the 'ripple' effect to make the text blend in with the water.

Friday 20 January 2017

Rough Cut Questionnaire Analysis

Rough Cut Questionnaire Analysis

From our questionnaire we can infer that the majority of people we asked thought that the genre of our film was a supernatural thriller. This is what we expected because in our film, there is a greater presence which brings supernatural into thriller.

From our questionnaire we can see that 5 out of 10 people said that our film should be given the certificate of a 12A. We expected this as our film doesn't show any death and meets the guidelines of a 12A film by the BBFC.

Most of the people who completed our questionnaire expected to see our film online. This is the outcome we wanted as because our film is a short film, allowing it to be watched online would give it more chance of recognition.

When people were asked what they liked about our film, 4 people answered the plot and storyline. This is good because this is the main focus for our film, and the fact that our audience like it means they should enjoying watching it when it's complete.

From our questionnaire results we can see that although people said that they liked the storyline, 6 people told us that they didn't understand the storyline. This is a worry because we need our audience to understand the storyline in order for them to enjoy the film. We need to re- think how we are going to make the storyline understandable from the audience's point of view.

Everyone who participated in the questionnaire answered yes in response to been asked whether the music suited the film. This is the response we expected from the people asked because we chose music carefully, ensuring it suits the particular scene it is working with.

The final question was whether there should be any improvements with our film. 50% of the people we asked suggested that we add more scene to improve our film, with 2 people inferring that we should develop our characters more. This is beneficial feedback and we will take this on board.
From the findings of this question we have decided to add a scene in introducing Jake to the audience more. This will develop his character and help the audience understand why he isn't in the main scene. We are also going to add a scene at the beginning of our film, showing Melissa purchasing the Ouija Board so the audience knows how the main event came about.  

Sunday 8 January 2017

Location Changes

Firstly we intended to use Caitlyn's house for our main scene of the group of friends using the Ouija board to communicate with spirits. After further planning had taken place we came to the conclusion that a more sinister location would be more relevant to the film such as an abandoned building with dark chiaroscuro lighting to create a foreboding atmosphere rather than a normal house. We all agreed that it would also be better to film in an abandoned building due to the nature of the film, ensuring no damage was done to Caitlyn's house.

Also we decided to use college as the location for our first scene rather than a house because it clearly establishes that the character's occupation of students and highlights that they're students.We believed that the college would be a better location as our target audience can relate to the building and understand the characters perception.